Monday, September 17, 2018

Two new books on the way

I must apologize for not having written for a while.  I have been very occupied preparing two more books of music and dissertations for the Highland Bagpipes.  Presently, as you must know, the most recent additions have been Soul-Stirring Hymns, the author of which hymns were Albert Brumley, a very  recognized composer of music and author of the lyrics, and our two other books, Prayers for Pipers, Volumes One and Two for the Highland Bagpipes.  These have been available from Lulu Publications, which is a subsidiary of  Amazon.  When ordering, one must indicate that the authors are George Delanghe and Dr. Keith MacDonald.  There are several K. MacDonald s who have published other books, but their subjects are not on bagpipe music.  Dr. MacDonald has had to use his title to differentiate.

This fall two new books will be introduced.  One will be Valued Bits and Pieces, which includes hymns, Patriotic pieces, favorite band tunes, new compositions, pieces not published before, dance pieces and some beautiful solos.  The other book is, Aspiring Hymns. It's actually the 16th volume in The Church Piper Series.

A piper will discover the music in which he or she is most comfortable. Much has been written of interest to the piper who is a soloist.  Besides the music, the written work comprises much of either book, to encourage a piper to be the kind of person who would be called upon to play for head tables, memorials, weddings, church services.  For those positions, a piper has to be dedicated to do a superb job.

With that in mind, both George Delannghe and Dr. Keith MacDonald have been endeavoring to do their very best, checking their work and using the finest techniques in producing the music.  One example of their dedication, is that Albert Brumley's music was written in an old style, with shaped notes, which notes are much different from the familiar egg-shaped notes.  Also, his music wasn't connected with beams.  That had to be deciphered, a process entirely different from transcribing today's music.  When one realizes how his music had to be filtered out of the hymnbook, he or she would have a far greater appreciation for it, for otherwise it would never have been discovered.  That  work was really worthwhile in revealing some beautiful music

The fall, be looking for those two new books from Lulu, and some fine new music for piping.

Best regards and good piping,
Keith MacDonald, OD and George Delanghe.