Sunday, December 9, 2012

My faith in God

The Bible tells us that only a fool doesn’t believe in God and fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Scripture advises a person to look around and observe all of creation, for who could have created the world and all that is in it but God, and it is here for us to appreciate and study. If one cannot believe in the Creator, he or she has no excuse for not believing, because God’s existence is apparent from the design of all things in nature.

Fertilized Human Egg
The subject can be approached from the miracle of reproduction, that is, from the fertilization of an egg cell, which is the union of sperm and egg cells to form the fertilized egg of an embryo destined to grow into an individual, whether an animal or person. All the necessary constituents are present in the embryonic cell that will determine its development “after its own kind.” It is remarkable that parental characteristics are apparent in the individual born from the organized growth of one cell into millions of others. At various stages of growth, anatomical features are formed. Remarkable similarities between offspring and parents result.

Attention can be drawn to the size of a fertilized egg cell, which is smaller than a period on this page. In the cell are all the necessary components that decide the characteristics of a mature person or animal. Chemical constituents are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorous, chlorine, potassium, iron, fluorine and iodine in the correct amounts. In addition, enzymes work in conjunction with complicated molecules to carry out reactions impossible in chemical laboratories. Tremendous magnification by electron microscopes enables study that reveals chromosomes containing genes, the keys that carry identifying characteristics of offspring. The wonder of it all is that new life is given even before the birth of a person or animal. Birth is so wonderful that it can be attributed only to God. Our world too, must be appreciated as the work of the Creator.

SaturnJust as we have peered through electronic microscopes to learn about the intricacies of reproduction, outer space can also be studied for its great wonders using magnificent telescopes. There, the distances can be so great that they are measured in light years rather than miles. The location of earth in this great outer space is so perfect, making it neither too hot nor cold, that it is ideal for sustaining life. All that is needed has been provided, including air, water, food and shelter, as well as minerals, gas and oil. One can observe the planets and marvel at the originality of their Creator. There are interesting things to observe, such as the rings that encircle Saturn, with its nine moons, one of which travels in the opposite direction to the others. Neptune’s two moons travel in opposite directions while Jupiter, with its twelve moons has eight that travel in one direction and four that travel in the opposite direction. One can assume that our Great and Wonderful Creator has a sense of humor. Why not include such originality, while creating the world and all that is in it?

We continue to elaborate upon Creation because it implies the Creator. Much can be learned about God by studying our world and its contents. It is not logical to disbelieve in God. More likely it is a person’s choice not to believe, because acknowledgement would require reflection upon one’s life and whether or not it is lived in accordance with God’s acceptability. If wrong choices have been made, ones that are sinful, then one would suddenly understand that he or she is separated from God and requires some way to be redeemed. What would be required to make things right? Enough good acts; would that be enough? More than anything, a sinful person needs a Personal Saviour. God provided Jesus, both God and man, willing to take upon Himself the sins of mankind that cause separation, enabling a person to enjoy communion with God, as if binding chains had been removed.

A person can continue to profess disbelief in God by being unobservant of the wonders of nature or reluctant to read. One who doesn’t read is no better off than another who cannot read at all. Scientific books reveal the wonders of God, while the Bible tells the story of God’s love, in that it is personal. One needs to read the Bible to know the love of God assures us that His Spirit is like having a Friend on whom to rely. My faith rests on what the Bible has revealed. I know that ignorant men crucified Jesus, the Son of God, on a cruel cross. Nevertheless, within a few days, two of his friends encountered Him as they walked along a country road. They least expected meeting Jesus because they had witnessed his death on the cross. They were so astounded by His living presence that it was as if their hearts burned within them. He has the power over death just as He has over life, which we observed earlier. I can imagine being one of those two men, in the presence of God. They had forgotten that He had already demonstrated His power over death and life, by having resurrected Lazarus from the grave as well as having restored the Centurion’s daughter to life.

Personal friends of Jesus have written for us to read in the Scripture. A person needs to read about what they experienced. Having been to Israel, even to have crossed the Sea of Galilee in a boat, caused the feeling in me that I had been there when Jesus’ disciples cried out to Him in the midst of a storm, “Master, do you not care if we drown?” His reply was “Ye of little faith, what does it take for you to believe?” Then, He calmed the storm.” They asked one another, “What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the waves obey Him?” The picture becomes even clearer to me when I play the hymn, “Master, the Tempest is Raging,” on the bagpipes. The song builds until it reaches its climax. Then one hears the Master calling, ”Peace, be still, peace, be still.”

I can tell you what Jesus means to me and who I know God to be, while you can determine for yourselves who God is. With some study and concentration, you will realize the great blessing to know God personally as you Friend, Jesus Christ.

Those who knew Jesus have written much about Him. His friend John wrote, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” John 21: 25

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a great reminder of just how powerful our God is! After reading this, I remember a phrase from one of my favorite hymns... "The wonder of it all. Oh, the wonder of it all. Just to think, that God loves me!" Even though He has all power and created everything, Jesus still chose to die for "Whosoever will"... And that includes me. What a privilege to know the God of the universe personally!

    Because He lives,
