Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Church Piper's Latest Book

Presently, I am distributing my newest “Church Piper” music book.  The fifteenth volume in The Church Piper series was published recently, with the title, “Patriotic Music & Familiar Folk Songs,” and it has been welcomed exceptionally well.  Notes from pipers have encouraged me to continue arranging and publishing music for the pipes, particularly to enable pipers to play the appropriate music in church.  One piper said, “Your admonition to use our God given talents for the work of the Lord is very important to me,” while another wrote, “Thank you for a great ministry and labour of love.”

It’s true, that I love to arrange music for the pipes and be prepared with suitable music, to play on innumerable special occasions, when I’m invited.  I also love to share what I’ve done with other pipers.  Using our God-given talents for the benefit of others is an obligation that any of us should recognize, as we consider what Jesus did for us in giving us newness of life.

My latest book of music arranged for the bagpipes, namely, “Patriotic Music and Familiar Folk Songs,” with its national anthems and nostalgic songs also contains several beautiful hymns.  Other books in this series were based on themes such as Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Heaven, Memorials, Weddings, Scottish Music, Gardening, Sailing, Friends & Neighbors and Sojourning, to name a few; all for the convenience of pipers who need a ready source of music suitable for their engagements.  They are available either from Henderson’s Imports or other Scottish shops in the world.

A subsequent hymnbook will most likely be published.  It will be “Aspiring Hymns,” with the theme of aspiring to develop one’s character to mirror that of Jesus.  After that, it will be, “Worshipful Hymns,” to suit the commencement of worship services by the piper.  Already, there are a sufficient number of hymns to do so.  Along with hymns, in each of these books, there will be a number of short articles written on the privilege of being invited to play for call to worship in a church.

In the meantime, “Patriotic Music and Familiar Folk Songs” is available from the author. Pipers are welcomed to enquire about it.  


  1. I must write a review here for the latest book. It is a great addition to any piper's library! Dr. MacDonald does an excellent job of arranging and the layout is unbeatable. You will enjoy the articles for their thought provoking encouragement and the tunes for their practicality. By all means, work to get a complete set of The Church Piper. I am working towards that goal and feel they are just as important to a piper's library as the Scots Guards, Kilberry, and Piobaireachd Society collections are. Get yours and enjoy!

  2. Sara,your compliments are appreciated. Playing of a hymn expounds upon God's love or His almighty power. A piper must know Him in a personal way, to be able to convey the message that "God is a Friend of mine and I want to tell you about Him." Music is the vehicle through which God's blessings flow to people, and carry their longings upward. Thank you for recognizing this in The Church Piper music books.
