Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Piper's Role and Responsibility

A piper will be asked to play for a special occasion at church.  It is best to have the right music.  It might be for a wedding or a funeral, for Christmas, Thanksgving, Easter or Remembrance Day.  It may be for a  regular Sunday morning worship service.  On Memorial Day, a congregation remembers our soldiers who fought and gave their lives for their country, contrasted with Jesus, who gave His life for us as individuals.

After having prepared and played for these various occasions, my purpose was decided, and it was to share my music with the world of pipers.  Over time, a number of  books would be published by The Church Piper on numerous themes.  No longer would pipers have just a few hymns at their fingertips, but a sufficient number to arrange medleys.  In each book, encouraging articles would be written to say how important it is to be well-practiced and to play one's best.  A piper's purpose would be to lead congregations in praise of God; a task possible only when a piper is in tune with God, with faith that his "workmanship" is for God, and not only for the satisfaction of man.

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